Author Catherine Becker's new book...

The Mother Road: A Black Market Baby, A Motorcycle, A Search for Real Across Un-United States

The Mother Road is a memoir about authenticity and interconnection. When she was nineteen, shortly after finding out she was a black market baby, Catherine sets out to search for her natural mother, mother nature, and to escape working-class life in Buffalo by riding a motorcycle across the United States. Resenting the lies and secrets that surrounded her real identity, along with the society that sanctions them, she explores alternatives to mainstream religion and culture. Moving between myth and reality in the American landscape and beyond, a series of signs and synchronicities lead her to discover who she is and who she can become.

The memoir is forthcoming... please subscribe to find out when it's published!
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tags:  Dr. Catherine Becker author, UH Hilo, University of Hawaii, Professor Catherine Becker, Catherine Becker PhD, black market adoption book, black market baby book, black market babies, adoptee memoirs, black market adoption, adoption healing memoir, best adoptee memoir, black market adoptees, adoption and healing books, books on healing and adoption, primal wound, healing memoir books
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